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Dr. N. (Noa) Roei

Faculty of Humanities
Photographer: Ilya Rabinovich

Visiting address
  • Spuistraat 134
Postal address
  • Postbus 1642
    1000 BP Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile


    Noa Roei is Assistant Professor in Comparative Literature and Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam and a research fellow at ASCA (Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis). She teaches in the Bachelor and Master program of Comparative Literature as well as in the Research Master Cultural Analysis. Her research focuses on the relation between nationalism and militarism, and on the representation of this relation in visual arts and popular culture. Further research interests include critical theory, aesthetics and politics, national identity, gender and the body.

    Academic Background

    2012: PhD, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), University of Amsterdam. Shifting Sights: Civilian Militarism in Israeli Art and Visual Culture .

    2003-2004: MA (cum laude) Cultural Analysis, University of Amsterdam. Thesis title: Politics on Display: Contemporary Art Exhibitions in Israel.
    1999-2002: BA (cumlaude) Psychology and Art History, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Thesis title: The Surrealist Unconscious: the Unconscious Between Zigmund Freud and Andre Breton. 


    Association for Israeli Studies (AIS) honorable mention 2017, for Civic Aesthetics: Militarism, Israeli Art and Visual Culture (Bloomsbury Academic).

    Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) article award 2008, "Kebab in Theory: A Treatise on Political Vision"

    Peer Reviewed Publications

    "Consuming Nostalgia: Greetings to the Soldier-Citizen." War and Narrative in Israeli Society and Culture, eds. Ranen Omer-Sherman and Rachel S. Harris . Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2012 (forthcoming).
    "Molding Resistance: Aesthetics and Politics in the Struggle of Bil'in Against the Wall." Art and Visibility in Migratory Culture , eds. Mieke Baland Miguel Hernandez-Navarro. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2011.

    "The Politics of Aesthetics Between Bil'in and Tel Aviv" [Hebrew]. Maarav Supplement 8: Who's Voice is This Anyway? [e-journal] (2009).

    "Can(n)ons of Israeli Society." Inside Knowledge:(Un)Doing Ways of Knowing in the Humanities . eds. Carolyn Birdsall, Maria Boletsi, Itay Sapir and Pieter Verstraete. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.

    "Kebab in Theory: A Treatise on Political Vision." Image & Narrative [e-journal], 18 (2007).

    " Framing Art as Action: Rethinking Refusal in Contemporary Israeli Art ." Afterimage 34 (2006).


    Sleutelbegrippen . Literary studies BA, first year seminar. University of Amsterdam, spring semester 2012.

    Literature and Spatiality: the Politics of Landscape . Literary studies MA seminar. University of Amsterdam, spring semester 2012.
    Onderzoeksvaardigheden Literatuurwetenschap: tekst en periode. Literary Studies BA, first year seminar. University of Amsterdam, fall semester 2011.


    Introduction to Film and Literature: Adaptations. Literary Studies BA, second and third year lecture course. University of Amsterdam, fall semester 2011.
    Public Cultures: Gender, Nation, War. Literary Studies BA, third year seminar. University of Amsterdam, fall semester 2011.
    Becoming Nation. Studium Generale Rietveld Academie. Guest lecture, fall Semester 2009.
    Objects of Cultural Analysis. Cultural Analysis MA course. Guest lecture, University of Amsterdam, Spring semester 2008.


    Intermedialities . Cultural Analysis MA course. Guest lecture, University of Amsterdam, fall semester 2007.

    Invited Lectures

    "Preconceptions: Avenues of Interpretations." Writing Order! conference on art writing, Holon, Israel, 7.5.2009
    "Blue, White and Olive-Green: Soldiers in Israeli Art and Visual Culture." Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam, 16.11.2008
    "Peace Fighters: A critical introduction to conscientious and politicalrefusal movements in Israel. " Broeinest , Amsterdam, 12.1.2007
    "Sky Catcher: Clouds and the Epistemology of the Unknowable." Project Launch of Luna Maurer's Skycatcher , De Balie, Amsterdam, 10.10.2006

    Academic Presentations

    "What's not Queer Here: Homonationality in Contemporary Israeli Art." Queer Soirées , ASCA, Amsterdam, 13.11.2008
    "Consuming Nostalgia: History andMemory in Honi Ha'Meagel's '40 Years to Victory.'" Visible Memories conference, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY, 3.10.2008
    "Breaking the Silence, One Pink Rose: Mobilizing Political Ineffectiveness in Contemporary Israeli Art." Art and Power conference, Leeds University,LeedsUK,28.9.2008
    "Moulding Resistance: Aesthetics and Politicsinthe Struggle of Bil'in Against the Wall. " Encountro II: Migratory Politics conference, Murcia-Amsterdam, 17.9.2008
    "Canons of Israeli Society." Inside Knowledge: Undoing Methodologies, Imagining Alternatives conference , ASCA, Amsterdam, 29.3.2007
    "A Moral Muddle: Postcards of Peace and Security." Soirées Barbares , ASCA, Amsterdam, 10.9.2006
    "Artistic Engagement with Everyday Media Images." Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity conference, ASCA, Amsterdam, 1.3.2006 
    "Smashing Silences." Sonic Interventions conference, ASCA, Amsterdam, 28.3.2005
    "Imprisoned Artworks." Examining the Law conference, Malmö, Sweden, 1.10.2004

    Related Projects

    Board member, Gate48
    Moderator of artist presentations, lectures, and discussions: "Endless Installation:a Ghost Story for Adults", organized by Public Space With A Roof , SMART Project Space, Amsterdam March-May 2009
    Initiator and project coordinator of exhibition, lectures and weekend workshop: "Desert Generation in Amsterdam", Meneer De Wit , Amsterdam November 2007
    Moderator of artist presentations, lectures, and discussions: "Pixels of Reality: What Do You Know, What Do You See", organized by Public Space With A Roof , Overtom 301, Amsterdam May-June 2006
    Co-organizer: CASA ( Cultural Analysis Summer Academy ), aninternational workshop that engaged with topics of "Borders, Markets, Movements", Amsterdam , June 2005
    Assistant director: Glub , a film and installation project by Mieke Bal and ShahramEntekhabi about the aesthetics of migrantculture in Berlin . Amsterdam -Berlin , 2003-2004

  • Publications



    • Roei, N., & Chua, L. (Accepted/In press). Figuring the Border: the Aesthetics of Boundaries and Boundary Crossings in Letter to a Refusing Pilot and Boundary. In Seeing in Tongues: Modern Languages and Visual Culture Legenda.







    • Roei, N. (2012). Consuming Nostalgia: Greeting Cards and Soldier-Citizens. In R. S. Harris, & R. Omer-Sherman (Eds.), Narratives of Dissent: War in Contemporary Israeli Arts and Culture (pp. 78-98). Wayne State University Press. [details]



    • Roei, N. (2009). Can(n)ons of Israeli society. In C. Birdsall, M. Boletsi, I. Sapir, & P. Verstraete (Eds.), Inside knowledge: (un)doing ways of knowing in the humanities (pp. 157-174). Cambridge Scholars Publishers. [details]



    • Roei, N. (2020). Danzare l’immagine: Complicità, responsabilità e spettatorialità . Stratagemmi : Prospettive Teatrali, 42(2), 55-68. [details]



    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Roei, N. (2022-2025). Stimulus Board Member; in collaboration with the Amsterdam Museum and the OLVG hospital, Stimulus.
    • Roei, N. (2021-2031). Editorial Board member, Visual Culture Book Series, Legenda, Legenda Publishing.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    • Roei, N. (member of editorial board) (2023-2033). Amsterdam Museum Journal (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Roei, N. (speaker) (19-1-2017). Militarism, Israeli Art, and Visual Culture, The Israel Studies Lecture Series, Cambridge .


    • Roei, N. (reviewer) (10-10-2024). Soapbox (Journal) (peer review of a publication).
    • Roei, N. (organiser) & Souch, I. (organiser) (10-10-2024 - 10-4-2025). ASCA research seminar What Is Landscape?, Amsterdam. The concept of landscape is intrinsically caught between varied associations and uses, appearing in different disguises in discourses of philosophy, (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (organiser), Dekker, A. (organiser), Cnaani, O. (organiser) & Yen, W.-Y. (participant) (19-6-2024 - 20-6-2024). Networked Image Research Workshop, Amsterdam. Research Workshop Precarious Collection and Data Colonialism (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (organiser) & Dekker, A. (organiser) (18-6-2024). NICA Masterclass with Ofri Cnaani, Amsterdam. In recent years, developing critique from scholars and digital activists has focused on the problematic idea of progress that is often presented in (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (reviewer) (2-4-2024). Parallax (Journal) (peer review of a publication).
    • Roei, N. (reviewer) (23-2-2024). Amsterdam Museum Journal (Journal) (peer review of a publication).
    • Roei, N. (organiser), Pols, J. (participant), Lane, M. (participant) & Stergioula, S. (participant) (31-1-2024). Stimulus launch and stakeholder meeting, Amsterdam. Stimulus launch and stakeholder meeting (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (organiser), Pols, J. (organiser), Lane, M. (organiser), Stergioula, S. (organiser), Parry, M. (participant), Sezneva, O. (participant), Krause, K. (participant), Vroon, V. (participant), Yalciner, G. (participant), Camuti, F. (participant) & Phillips, S. (participant) (12-10-2023). ArtiC interfaculty meeting, Amsterdam. ArtiC interfaculty meeting (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (organiser), Pols, J. (organiser), Lane, M. (organiser), Stergioula, S. (organiser), Gilboa, I. (participant) & Laitempergher, A. (participant) (14-9-2023). ArtiC meeting with external partners, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (participant) & Laitempergher, A. (participant) (30-6-2023). Unexpected Subjects, Amsterdam. Colours and Spaces of Care (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (organiser), Parry, M. (organiser) & Zwartsenburg, M. (organiser) (30-3-2023). PULSE Network Meeting, Amsterdam. Pulse Network meeting, organized by Project Stimulus (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (organiser) (21-9-2022). Extraterritoriality and the Weaponization of Images, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (organiser), Dayan, H. (organiser) & Jansen, Y. (organiser) (22-7-2022 - 24-7-2022). Archives for the Future: on the Politics of Knowledge Production, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (participant) & Dayan, H. (participant) (4-7-2022 - 6-7-2022). Brismes annual conference: Exploring and Contesting the (re)production of coloniality in the Middle East, St. Andrews. conference paper title: Eurovision and the Euro-colonial Spectacle of Israel/Palestine: Hegemonic Constructions and Alternative Mobilizations (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (participant) (7-4-2022). Connect/Cut, Copenhagen (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (participant) & Chua, L. (participant) (7-4-2022). Speaking in Tongues, Durham. Presentation: Figuring the Border (with Dr. Lawrence Chua) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Grassiani, E. (organiser), Dayan, H. (organiser), Roei, N. (organiser) & Stein, R. (organiser) (11-11-2019). Perpetrator workshop, amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (organiser) (10-11-2018). NICA Masterclass by Erez Tzfadia, Amsterdam, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (participant) (16-7-2018). colloquium, Universiteit van Freiburg, Freiburg. Beyond Vision Alone: Re-sensing the Image in Contemporary Art (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (visiting researcher) (1-2-2018 - 30-6-2018). Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (visiting an external institution).
    • Roei, N. (participant) (25-1-2018). The Icon as Cultural Model: Open University Conference, Amsterdam. Flag-Art and Modern Idolatry: on the Work of Ivan Grubanov (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Roei, N. (participant) (9-11-2017). Beyond the Balfour Declaration, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).



    • Roei, N. (2018). Visual Theory Beyond Representation.
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities