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Protecting human and planetary health requires reforming our unsustainable global food system. The “food as commons” approach offers a radical overhaul of food policy through a major paradigm shift: from food as a commodity to food as a global public good, or global “commons.”

This seed grant project explores the potential of the “food as commons” approach to provide healthy and sustainable food for all. The funding will be used for an academic symposium on equitable transitions to local and “decommodified” food and a co-production workshop with key stakeholders in Amsterdam to operationalize the “food as commons” approach.

Project team:

Dr. B. (Branwyn) Poleykett

Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, AISSR, Anthropology

Dr R. (Rebeca) Ibanez Martin

Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, AISSR, Anthropology

Wilma Waterlander, Amsterdam UMC, Public Health and Occupational Medicine

Prof. P.H. (Peter) van Dam

Faculty of Humanities, History

Dr F. (Fabio) de Castro

Faculty of Humanities, CEDLA