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We are delighted to invite you to the third, and last, Healthy Future Seminar of the Healthy Future Seminar Series: Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Matchmaking for a Healthier Future at the Allard Pierson Museum on 7 June, 13h-17h.
Event details of Healthy Future Seminar: Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Matchmaking
7 June 2024
Allard Pierson

After two successful editions, on the topics of “(Online) Food Environments” and “Mental health and intergenerational transmission”, showcasing our two main sub-themes, this final seminar will spotlight two innovative Healthy Future projects and inspire future interdisciplinary collaborations within the Healthy Future theme through a matchmaking session. 

Dr. Lisa Haushofer will represent her research group working on the “Re-authoring Meat Consumption Narratives: Combining Historical, Cultural, and Public Health Perspectives”-project. Followed by Dr. Catherine Volgenant and Dr. Sanne de Wit, who will present their research project “The ORAHabit-study: Addressing Knowledge Gaps in Oral Health Interventions”.  Furthermore, we are excited to announce an upcoming midsize grant opportunity that could foster collaboration during a matchmaking session led by Prof. Dr. Anniek de Ruijter.

Join us for insightful presentations by these esteemed speakers and engage in stimulating discussions on pressing health-related topics.


12.45 - 13.00 Walk-in with coffee or tea
13.00-13.10 Introduction

The ORAHabit-study: Addressing Knowledge Gaps in Oral Health Interventions 

by Dr. Sanne de Wit and Dr. Catherine Volgenant


Re-authoring Meat Consumption Narratives: Combining Historical, Cultural, and Public Health Perspectives

by Dr. Lisa Haushofer 

13.50-14.00 Healthy Future Grant Opportunities
14.00-17.00 Matchmaking + Drinks


Allard Pierson

Oude Turfmarkt 127-129
1012 GC Amsterdam