Lameijer, B. A., de Mast, J., & Antony, J. (2024). How to publish operational excellence case studies in the International Journal of Lean Six Sigma: A viewpoint article. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 15(2), 469-478.
de Mast, J., Steiner, S. H., Panahi, M., & MacKay, R. J. (2024). A review of leveraged sample selection in variation reduction projects. Quality Engineering. Advance online publication.
Antao, J., de Mast, J., Marques, A., Franssen, F., Spruit, M., & Deng, Q. (2023). Demystification of artificial intelligence for respiratory clinicians managing patients with obstructive lung diseases. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, 17(12), 1207-1219.
Kuiper, A., Mandjes, M., de Mast, J., & Brokkelkamp, R. (2023). A flexible and optimal approach for appointment scheduling in healthcare. Decision Sciences, 54(1), 85-100.[details]
de Mast, J., Steiner, S. H., Nuijten, W. P. M., & Kapitan, D. (2023). Analytical Problem Solving Based on Causal, Correlational and Deductive Models. The American Statistician, 77(1), 51-61.[details]
Anderson-Cook, C. M., Lu, L., Brenneman, W., de Mast, J., Faltin, F., Freeman, L., Guthrie, W., Hoerl, R., Jensen, W., Jones-Farmer, A., Leber, D., Patterson, A., Perry, M., Steiner, S. H., & Stevens, N. T. (2022). Statistical Engineering — Part 1: Past and Present. Quality Engineering, 34(4), 426-445.[details]
Anderson-Cook, C., Lu, L., de Mast, J., Faltin, F., Freeman, L., Brenneman, W., Guthrie, W., Hoerl, R., Jensen, W., Jones-Farmer, A., Leber, D., Patterson, A., Perry, M., Steiner, S. H., & Stevens, N. T. (2022). Statistical Engineering — Part 2: Future. Quality Engineering, 34(4), 446-467.[details]
de Mast, J., Lameijer, B. A., Linderman, K., & van de Ven, A. (2022). Exploring the process of management system implementation: a case of Six Sigma. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 42(13), 1-24. Advance online publication.[details]
Kuiper, A., de Mast, J., & Mandjes, M. (2021). The problem of appointment scheduling in outpatient clinics: A multiple case study of clinical practice. Omega, 98, Article 102122.[details]
Panahi, M., de Mast, J., & Steiner, S. H. (2021). Identifying dominant causes using leveraged study designs. Quality Engineering, 33(4), 581-593 .
de Mast, J., Hoerl, R., & Jensen, W. (2021). Understanding and addressing complexity in problem solving. Quality Engineering, 33(4), 1-15.
Lameijer, B. A., de Mast, J., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2017). Lean Six Sigma deployment and maturity models: A critical review. Quality Management Journal, 24(4), 6-20.[details]
Erdmann, T. P., Akkerhuis, T. S., de Mast, J., & Steiner, S. H. (2016). The Statistical Evaluation of a Binary Test Based on Combined Samples. Journal of Quality Technology, 48(1), 54-67.[details]
Lameijer, B. A., Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2016). Inter-industry generic Lean Six Sigma project definitions. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 7(4), 369-393.[details]
Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2015). Six Sigma method. In N. Balakrishnan, P. Brandimarte, B. Everitt, G. Molenberghs, W. Piegorsch, & F. Ruggeri (Eds.), Wiley StatsRef: statistics reference online Wiley.[details]
Does, R. J. M. M., de Mast, J., & Schoonhoven, M. (2015). Discussion of "An emerging science of improvement in health care". Quality Engineering, 27(1), 35-40.[details]
de Mast, J., Akkerhuis, T., & Erdmann, T. (2014). The Statistical Evaluation of Categorical Measurements: "Simple Scales, but Treacherous Complexity Underneath". Quality Engineering, 26(1), 16-32.[details]
de Mast, J. (2013). Diagnostic quality problem solving: A conceptual framework and six strategies. Quality Management Journal, 20(4), 21-36. [details]
Erdmann, T. P., & de Mast, J. (2012). Assessment of binary inspection with a hybrid measurand. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 28(1), 47-57.[details]
Lokkerbol, J., Does, R. J. M. M., de Mast, J., & Schoonhoven, M. (2012). Improving processes in financial service organizations: where to begin? International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 29(9), 981-999.[details]
de Mast, J., & Lokkerbol, J. (2012). An analysis of the Six Sigma DMAIC method from the perspective of problem solving. International Journal of Production Economics, 139(2), 604-614.[details]
Niemeijer, G. C., Does, R. J. M. M., de Mast, J., Trip, A., & van den Heuvel, J. (2011). Generic project definitions for improvement of health care delivery: A case-based approach. Quality Management in Health Care, 20(2), 152-164.[details]
de Mast, J., Diepstraten, G., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2011). Quality quandaries: Design for Six Sigma: Method and application. Quality Engineering, 23(2), 204-211.[details]
de Mast, J., Kemper, B., Does, R. J. M. M., Mandjes, M., & van der Bijl, Y. (2011). Process improvement in healthcare: Overall resource efficiency. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 27(8), 1095-1106.[details]
Does, R. J. M. M., van den Heuvel, J., de Mast, J., & Niemeijer, G. C. (2010). Improving quality in healthcare while reducing costs. Quality Management Forum, 36(3), 12-15.[details]
Kemper, B., de Mast, J., & Mandjes, M. (2010). Modeling process flow using diagrams. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 26(4), 341-349.[details]
de Mast, J., & van Wieringen, W. N. (2010). Modeling and evaluating repeatability and reproducibility of ordinal classifications. Technometrics, 52(1), 94-106.[details]
van der Meulen, F., de Koning, H., & de Mast, J. (2009). Nonrepeatable gauge R&R studies assuming temporal or patterned object variation. Journal of Quality Technology, 41(4), 426-439. [details]
Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2007). Sigma metric (Sigma level). In F. Rugerri, F. Faltin, & R. Kenett (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability Wiley.
Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2007). Six Sigma method. In F. Rugerri, F. Faltin, & R. Kenett (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability Wiley.
Does, R. J. M. M., de Mast, J., de Koning, H., & Bisgaard, S. (2007). The Scientific Underpinning of Lean Six Sigma. In Proceedings of the 56-th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Lisbon, Portugal (pp. 262.1-262.7). ISI. [details]
de Mast, J., & Trip, A. (2007). Destructive testing in gauge R&R studies. Correlation. Runs and Runs tests. (and other contributions). In F. Ruggeri, F. W. Faltin, & R. S. Kennett (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability John Wiley & Sons.[details]
de Koning, H., & de Mast, J. (2006). A rational reconstruction of Six Sigma's Breakthrough Cookbook. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 23(7), 766-787. [details]
de Mast, J. (2006). Six Sigma and competitive advantage. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 17(4), 455-464. [details]
de Mast, J., & Bergman, M. (2006). Hypothesis Generation in Quality Improvement Projects: Approaches for Exploratory Studies. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 22(7), 839-850.[details]
de Koning, H., & de Mast, J. (2005). Grounding of Six Sigma s Breakthrough Cookbook: How to research a methodology? International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 1(3), 263-275.[details]
Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2004). Six Sigma deployment strategy. In Proceedings of the Six Sigma International Conference, Wroclaw Univ. of Technology (pp. 33-40) [details]
de Mast, J. (2004). A methodological comparison of three strategies for quality improvement. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 21(2), 198-213. [details]
de Mast, J., & Roes, C. B. (2004). Robust Individuals Control Chart for Exploratory Analysis. Quality Engineering, 16(3), 407-421. [details]
de Mast, J., & van Wieringen, W. N. (2004). Measurement system analysis for bounded ordinal data. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 20(5), 383-395.[details]
de Mast, J. (2003). Quality improvement from the viewpoint of statistical method. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 19(4), 255-264.[details]
Does, R. J. M. M., van den Heuvel, E., de Mast, J., & Bisgaard, S. (2002). Comparing nonmanufacturing with traditional applications of Six Sigma. Quality Engineering, 15(1), 177-182. [details]
Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2001). Het Nederlandse model van Zes Sigma. Sigma, 1(4), 12-17.
Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2001). Six Sigma voor de Nederlandse markt. Sigma, 01(4), 12-17.
de Mast, J., Roes, C. B., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2001). The multi-vari chart: a systematic approach. Quality Engineering, 13, 437-447. [details]
Does, R. J. M. M., van den Heuvel, E. R., de Mast, J., & Wieringa, J. E. (2000). Experiences with quantitative quality programs in industry. In P. Molnar, & F. Boross (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Annual EOQ Congress (Vol. Vol. S, pp. 98-105). HNC for EOQ. [details]
de Mast, J., Kemper, B. P. H., Wiltjer, A., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2013). Quality quandaries: deploying operational excellence at a financial service provider. Quality Engineering, 25(3), 298-306.[details]
de Mast, J., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2010). Discussion of 'Statistical thinking and methods in quality improvement: a look into the future'. Quality Engineering, 22(3), 130-132.[details]
de Mast, J., & Kemper, B. P. H. (2009). Discussion of 'Principles of exploratory data analysis in problem solving: what can we learn from a well-known case?': rejoinder. Quality Engineering, 21(4), 382-383.[details]
de Mast, J., & Kemper, B. P. H. (2009). Principles of exploratory data analysis in problem solving: what can we learn from a well-known case? Quality Engineering, 21(4), 366-375.[details]
de Mast, J., & Does, R. J. M. M. (2008). Discussion: [of 'An overview of the Shainin System™ for quality improvement']. Quality Engineering, 20(1), 20-22.[details]
de Mast, J. (2008). A history of industrial statistics and quality and efficiency improvement. In S. Coleman, T. Greenfield, D. Stewardson, & D. C. Montgomery (Eds.), Statistical practice in business and industry (pp. 15-27). (Statistics in practice: Industry, commerce and finance). Wiley.[details]
Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2006). Six Sigma, stap voor stap. (3e ed.) Beaumont Quality Publications. [details]
Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2006). Lean Six Sigma en innovatie. Synaps, 21, 17-22. [details]
de Koning, H., Does, R. J. M. M., & de Mast, J. (2006). Lean Six Sigma: gebruik maken van het beste van beide werelden. Kwaliteit in bedrijf, 21(8), 10-13. [details]
de Mast, J., Does, R. J. M. M., & de Koning, H. (2006). Lean Six Sigma for Service and Healthcare. Beaumont Quality Publications.[details]
Trip, A., & de Mast, J. (2004). Steekproefkeuring. Kwaliteit in praktijk, F19. [details]
Does, R. J. M. M., de Mast, J., & Vermaat, T. M. B. (2003). Successen nu ook beschikbaar voor het MKB: Six Sigma Light. Kwaliteit in bedrijf, 19(8), 30-33. [details]
Trip, A., & de Mast, J. (2003). Procesprestatieanalyse. Kwaliteit in praktijk, (F18). [details]
Does, R. J. M. M., van den Heuvel, E., de Mast, J., Schippers, W. A. J., Trip, A., & Wieringa, J. E. (2001). Zes Sigma zakelijk verbeterd. Samson. [details]
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